Saturday, December 11, 2010


This week I had a potty nightmare. Ikie told me that he had to "go potty." I hate to admit it but I was ignoring him a bit. He usually tells me that so he can sit on the potty and throw tons of toilet paper in the potty, he does not actually need to use the potty. So I wanted to finish cleaning the dishes before we had our "potty routine."
So all of a sudden I hear "help mommy!" I look over and Ikie has his pants down, his diaper about off and poop everywhere! UGH! Worst mommy award for not listening! So I run upstairs and throw Ikie on the toilet. I got poop on me so I am wiping myself off and Ikie with toilet paper. Poop is smeared on the toilet so I got to wipe that off too. Then I plug the toilet! OMG! I am freaking out! Finally..get it cleaned off and put Isaac in the bath tub. I am not prepared for this bath so I don't have his fresh pajama's or diaper out. So after the bath, Isaac and I go in his room. For some unknown reason...Ikie is freaking out...who knows...He has some of me in him! :) So I set him down to get his pajama's out and ready. What does he do next...yes you can about imagine. He pee's a waterfountain!

A few nights prior to my nightmare...Devin had a potty nightmare. Devin was giving Isaac a bath and he decided to poop in the tub. Isaac that is...not Devin :) HA! Devin was so grossed out.

On a postive note...he used the potty properly last night. He had to go potty...told me...and would not let me take him off the potty until he actually went! What a good boy!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

"Enough Mom"

Ikie is turning into my little "boss." He is just like his father! HA. I often times ask Ikie the same question over and over because his responses are so darn cute. For example, I will ask him what a monkey says. He sometimes won't respond because he is ignoring me. I don't realize however, that he is ignoring me and think that he doesn't hear me. So, I repeat the question. Well, he quickly gets irritated with me asking the question several times. So, he holds out his hand and tells me "" Cracks me up.
Like many mothers, I want Isaac to eat good. So when I find a food that he is eating a lot of...I give him more. If I am giving him more then HIS desired amount. He will hold out his hand and tell me "enough."
I just think that he has many more years of me "irritating" him. I just can't believe that it started this young. He also thinks that everything should be his way. Whenever it does not go his way, he will hit either my or Devin's knee and say "stop it." Devin says that we have a "law less house." I guess he thinks that Isaac gets away with being naughty.

He is such a joy! We have loved every minute of these past 2 years. He is a great eater. He loves fruits and vegetables. Devin says that I try to push ice cream and candy down his throat. But he often times will ask for "beans or corn." Early this week he ate 2 whole banana's after dinner. He is still a little peanut though! His jeans litterally fall off him. The other day, he got directly in my face and told me "I am little ..Mom." He must have heard that somewhere.

He copies every thing I do and say. So..ya...yikes...I got to start watching myself. He has picked up on some swear words. If I talk on the phone, he puts his hand to his ear and really tries to copy every word I say. He can count to 10. He tells you that every color is either blue or red.

I am going to really try and make these holidays special for Isaac. He loves "santa clause" and will say "ho, ho, ho, santa clause." Then he will tell me that he is scared of santa. Just a few seconds later, he will come back to me and say "Ikie not scared of santa." I have no idea what to get him for Christmas, he really has so much already. But...I will hunt util I find the most perfect gifts. He doesn't seem too excited over our tree but likes the Christmas music. I also plan on doing some baking and may even let him help. I am a brave momma.

He is such a cudler now. He loves to sleep in our bed and wants to be squeezed tighty. I will admit it...I love it. We know its not a great idea that he wants to be in our bed all the time. But...I cherish the cuddling. Oh, and he loves his bottle and "blankie" still. He will not let Weezie even close to his blankie without yelling at her.....and I mean really yellling. He has a set of lungs on him that kid.

Best wishes to all!

Sunday, November 14, 2010



Birthday present from Kade

New pictures

check out our new family pictures that my good friend with Mirabella Photography took for us. Thanks are awesome!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Finally an update!

Sorry..for the long break...I will do my best to update you all!
Isaac went to Chicago for his 2nd birthday. He had his first plane ride. Daddy stayed home to work for this farmer while I had this adventure. I won't even lie. I about shit my pants! I was so worried about how Ikie would handle his first plane ride. The ride down to Chicago was amazing. He was perfect. He would sit on my lap, and look out the window and say "plane, clouds, up high." He was in amazement. He had to sit on my lap or I had to pay an extra 500 bucks to get him his own seat. Everyone around us would say "wow..what a good little boy..he is just chilling out." Then we arrived in Chicago and my parents picked us up. We celebrated Ikie's second birthday with my parents, grandma's, aunts, uncles, cousins. It was a lot of fun. He had an Elmo theme. He did great at singing and stuff. We managed to go to this dairy farm. We thought it would be fun for Isaac. It was ok..not something that I would have enjoyed doing if I did not have a kid. Seriously, I would have more fun at the dentist then hearing about cows..not real fun for me...but anyways :)! We had to take a school bus to see all the cows. Ikie was really excited to do this because he gets to watch the big kids at daycare get on the school bus every morning. So when my grandma asked if he got to see the cows..Ikie replied with ..." bus." So, that was our experience with the diary farm.

Isaac loves to show off! He dances for everyone. He is not shy at all. He loved it when my family would laugh at him...gave him more incentive to be goofy.

Then we had to come home on the plane... I thought I was big deal...he did it once! UGH!!! We had a few more challenges but we made it through. He had a few tantrums...pulled my hair...kicked the seat in front of me. I guess he just wanted to make sure that we were noticed! My worst fear...never really happened. I was really worried that he would have a diaper blow out and it would smell everyone out and I would have no place to change the kid.

Then we had family pictures. My good friend (Shannon with Mirabella Photography) kindly took the pictures.

Then my parents came up for a little visit. Isaac changes very quickly and is growing so much that it gets hard for our family that lives away.

Then Halloween hits. Ikie and Kade got to "trick or treat" together. We took them around our neighborhood in the golf cart. Kade was very much into the candy. For those that know Kade..he very much has a sweet toothe. Ikie was more into the golf cart then getting candy. Kade and Isaac also enjoyed handing out candy to the kids that came to our house.

That is a quick wrap up. I have been struggling a bit to keep this blog going...hard to get me to write these days. I will post the pictures of his second birthday and Halloween as soon as I can.

Ooops- I have to add.....yes Isaac is still on the bottle. He will say "bottle, bottle." He cries for it and will say "milk bottle." I give in...I can't help it. I can about imagine you readers shaking your heads at me. Yes, I am a softy. I can't help it! Plus...when he does not get his bottle..he sucks his thumb! So that will be the next challenge at our house. He did try to give the baby cows his milk bottle when we were at the dairy farm. That shocked me because he does not share with anyone. I have another funny story. He is convinced that my one year old neighbor does not share. Everyday..Ikie will point his finger and say "Mark...Share!"

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Almost 2

well here we are......about a month away from Isaac's second birthday! Yikes....has this time gone quick. He is a little toddler now for sure. Let me tell you a little about him

Personality: he is generally very happy. He will walk in the mall with me and wave and say "hello" to anyone he walks by. He loves kids and will get excited with any kid that he gets to play with. He will tell me "no,momma work....Kade Lake." He says "KadeLake" literally like it is one word. He is also very very wild. When Keanon was little...we called him "Taz" which is short for Tazmanian Devil(think Showtunes). I think Isaac takes after Keanon when Keanon was small. Isaac is literally on fire. He loves to run, yell and gets so excited. One night, he was dancing with Kade and it looked like Isaac was foaming from his mouth. He also enjoys testing his mother. I will tell him not to do something and he will always do it anyway to see what will happen. I will tell him not to drop his food and he will look at me and smile as the food looks like it is just sliding from he is not actually dropping it. I will take him upstair to his room for a time out and he will laugh the entire way to his room. Then I set him on the bed and close the door. I wait outside the room and he will hit the door with his toys...I am sure it is to let me know that he is mad. He also has "no fear." He is not afraid to climb on anything or go really fast on his tractor. But the funny thing is he has fear of odd things. There was a plane flying above our house one night. Isaac at first go excited and then ran to his dad's lap because he was scared.

Physical: on several occasions he has been told that he is petite. Not so great for A BOY! He is really tiny but he eats a ton. He has no body fat on him...gets that from mom and dad! HA :) He loves balls, bats, and wrestling with kids. He likes to run but is literally on fire when he runs so he trips over his own feet and falls. He is great at making sound effects with his trucks.

Cognitive: He is saying a lot of words and putting 2-3 words together. He is getting better with allowing us to read to him. He is actually sitting for 3 books at a time . That is a great accoplisment for a little boy that is always on the go! He hates it when I am stuck behind red lights when I drive. He yells at me and says "mommy go now." He will tell me "watch elmo" or "go to Becky's house." He knows a lot of animals but gets confused sometimes because he does things so quickly. For example...I pointed at a Zebra in a book and he told me it was a "horse." I tried to explain to him that it was a Zebra but he was so excited that he called it a horse that he got directly in my face and would talk over me saying "neigh,"

Well there you have it....Ikie in a nut shell. It has been an awesome 2 years. I never take the time that we have with him for granted so I will end with my usual sense of absolute gratitude that I have been blessed with this little man!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ikie love corn on the cob

Question/Answer time

Just for my husband....we all know how he enjoys this stuff. If you need to ask...yes...I will force him to read this:

1: What is the best thing about being a mom? I would have to say that it is watching Ikie become himself. His little personality is already starting to show. He is a wild man, but very kind and loving. He loves to be loud and show us his muscles even though he is a such a little guy.

2. What is the toughest part of being a mom? For me, this is discipline. I am such a softy with this guy. Devin gets mad at me because he does try to discipline and I always tell him to give into Ikie. Devin usually quotes me because I tell him.."oh, he is not hurting anything...just let him be." Devin will tease me and exagerate the situation and say "ok, lets just let him play with knives." Another tough part is learing to eat really fast. I really love food and love to enjoy it. Ikie always knows when I am trying to eat! GRRR.

3. What television mom do you compare yourself to? I really can't say. I am not a Mrs. Brady or Mrs. Cosby. I am not a Peggy Bundy. Maybe a little like Debra from Everybody Loves Raymond. I say that because I am usually just a little agitated with Devin the way that Debra is with Ray. I am agitated that women have to multi-task. I am agitated that I am so tired all time.

4. What suprises me with Ikie? I am so surprised at how much my kid loves fruits and vegetables. I honestly believe that his body is craving them because he did not get one fruit or vegetable the entire 9 months that I was pregnant. I was starving and wanted pizza, hot dogs, and foods like that!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

3 weeks

is a long time to have NO daycare. Luckily, my parents were able to stay with us for the past 3 weeks to babysit Isaac while we worked.
My parents took Isaac to the zoo, to the play area in the mall, out to eat, to the kids museum and on the boat. They had a great time. They danced a lot in the living room, and took Isaac in his pool outside. He would make my parents go in the pool with him and say " off."
Isaac was sick at the beginning of the vist. He luckily he got over that quickly. He had a high fever but that was pretty much it.
My poor parents did get in a car accident too. That was a bit scary for everyone! They were hit on their way home from Walmart. Their car was totally wrecked. Isaac was perfectly fine. Thank God for car seats. My parents were a bit sore for sometime...I think they are still sore. They could not drive their car home, it had to be sent to Chicago and they drove a rental home. We are very lucky that no one was seriously hurt.
I will try to post more soon, I got to run. I am addicted to Teen Mom on MTV! :)