Sorry..for the long break...I will do my best to update you all!
Isaac went to Chicago for his 2nd birthday. He had his first plane ride. Daddy stayed home to work for this farmer while I had this adventure. I won't even lie. I about shit my pants! I was so worried about how Ikie would handle his first plane ride. The ride down to Chicago was amazing. He was perfect. He would sit on my lap, and look out the window and say "plane, clouds, up high." He was in amazement. He had to sit on my lap or I had to pay an extra 500 bucks to get him his own seat. Everyone around us would say "wow..what a good little boy..he is just chilling out." Then we arrived in Chicago and my parents picked us up. We celebrated Ikie's second birthday with my parents, grandma's, aunts, uncles, cousins. It was a lot of fun. He had an Elmo theme. He did great at singing and stuff. We managed to go to this dairy farm. We thought it would be fun for Isaac. It was ok..not something that I would have enjoyed doing if I did not have a kid. Seriously, I would have more fun at the dentist then hearing about cows..not real fun for me...but anyways :)! We had to take a school bus to see all the cows. Ikie was really excited to do this because he gets to watch the big kids at daycare get on the school bus every morning. So when my grandma asked if he got to see the cows..Ikie replied with ..." bus." So, that was our experience with the diary farm.
Isaac loves to show off! He dances for everyone. He is not shy at all. He loved it when my family would laugh at him...gave him more incentive to be goofy.
Then we had to come home on the plane... I thought I was big deal...he did it once! UGH!!! We had a few more challenges but we made it through. He had a few tantrums...pulled my hair...kicked the seat in front of me. I guess he just wanted to make sure that we were noticed! My worst fear...never really happened. I was really worried that he would have a diaper blow out and it would smell everyone out and I would have no place to change the kid.
Then we had family pictures. My good friend (Shannon with Mirabella Photography) kindly took the pictures.
Then my parents came up for a little visit. Isaac changes very quickly and is growing so much that it gets hard for our family that lives away.
Then Halloween hits. Ikie and Kade got to "trick or treat" together. We took them around our neighborhood in the golf cart. Kade was very much into the candy. For those that know Kade..he very much has a sweet toothe. Ikie was more into the golf cart then getting candy. Kade and Isaac also enjoyed handing out candy to the kids that came to our house.
That is a quick wrap up. I have been struggling a bit to keep this blog going...hard to get me to write these days. I will post the pictures of his second birthday and Halloween as soon as I can.
Ooops- I have to add.....yes Isaac is still on the bottle. He will say "bottle, bottle." He cries for it and will say "milk bottle." I give in...I can't help it. I can about imagine you readers shaking your heads at me. Yes, I am a softy. I can't help it! Plus...when he does not get his bottle..he sucks his thumb! So that will be the next challenge at our house. He did try to give the baby cows his milk bottle when we were at the dairy farm. That shocked me because he does not share with anyone. I have another funny story. He is convinced that my one year old neighbor does not share. Everyday..Ikie will point his finger and say "Mark...Share!"
A New Blog
11 years ago
1 comment:
Isaac, you are one awesome little man. What fun for you to spend time with family that is so far away. And pooh-pooh to Mommy for not taking an interest in dairy cows. Who knows? One day she and Daddy, while road-tripping, may need to pull over to a field of grazing cows to get some milk to fill the bottle-bottle. And when did you say you wanted that bottle-bottle?
I love you little man.
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