Hello blogging world. Are you still following me? Long time no blog. Want to hear everything that is going on in our lives because it is a lot....let me tell you. First of all: We are expecting baby #2 in October. Actually this baby has the same due date as Isaac. Isaac's due date was 10/7/08 and this baby is 10/8/11. So the kids will be exactly 3 years apart. We did go to fertility again, but is was not bad at all. I only had one round of clomid and baby!. So that is why I have had this hiatus from blogging. I have been so sick, tired and nauseated. I really do need to stop walin garoun dthe house saying how sick I am because now Ikie complain of being "so sick." Smells have really othered me this pregnancy. On to other news. I got braces on my teeth! UGH! I really hate those suckers. I could only eat soft food for 24 hours after they put the braces on my teeth. I freaked out and thought I was starving to death. Getting braces was harder for me to recover then child birth. It has come in handy with getting Ikie to brush his teeth. I tell him that if he does not brush good then he will get these on his teeth. Isaac is doing so well. He is talking and is so curious. He will ask me "doing mom?" all the time. He will ask you who is on the phone, what you are eating and just a ton of questions. He is even saying sentences. It is a lot of fun. He is really trying to be like his father. He will wear caps and put them on backwards if that is what his dad is doing. He will put the sunglasses on his cap...if dad does. He loves to play and is not afraid to push the big kids at playland if they get in his way. The other day, he told me that the "monsters were coming to get him and he was going to kick their butts." He tells me that he is "the boss" all the time and he does not "want to be a squirt." He thinks that everything is "gross." He told Devin that "Elmo was drowning and dead" while getting a bath. He can say his full name, and our names. He will tell you that his grammy lives in Beulah and his other grammy lives in Chicago. Well....That is all. Take care
1 comment:
awww Amanda, this is so cute! he is getting so big! the pics above are adorable! He's getting so tall! And so excited for #2! Love it!
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